
Friday, September 25, 2009

Spring break, oh yeah!

That sound you hear is me sighing contentedly.

I have finished my first semester of university and, though it's a small achievement, it's a happy one none the less. My adventure back in the land of school (after having been completely out of that world for ten years) has proven to be rewarding already. Actually, it's been fun. There have been moments of mild panic when I wonder if I'll ever get that assignment completed on time (all my own fault, of course; who wants to be writing assignments when you can be laughing at small nieces and nephews?). Nevertheless, I'm here, and eager for next semester. My subjects next semester are Poetry (immersion in the world of poets, yay!), Australian Society and Politics (and the lecturer has an Irish accent), Intro to Philosophy (wherein I will pretend I know what I'm talking about), and Reading the Bible Faithfully (which can only be good).

For now, though, I'm going to thoroughly enjoy the break, which is set to include family catch-ups, adventuring, and the reading of books 'just because'. I'm turning my laptop off for twelve days. I mean it! And, though I'll be popping in on facebook and round the traps occasionally, mostly it's going to be a low-tech holiday. I'll catch you on the flipside!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Spring has arrived in Queensland, and it's delicious.
So far, it's included a book club meeting and barbecue
[and black forest cupcakes]...
big chief burgers and The Young Victoria...


seeing the Dawntreader in action, being filmed right near our home...

strawberry-eating contests!...

a visit with our precious cousin, Fran...

making, um, new friends?...

eating cookies...

...and exploring beautiful mountain ranges.
How about you?

Friday, September 4, 2009


Well, hi. Sorry I've been completely missing in action. I have been alternately drowning in a) assignments due, and b) hugs and kisses from theworld'scutest niece and nephew (I leave it to you to determine which is the happier way to die). I spent a whole week with my sister and her babies, and I even got to do the aunt sleepover thing for the first time ever -- amazingly, there were only a couple of small-people tears when it got to bedtime and mama wasn't there. Tonight, my hilarious and lovely cousin arrives from New South Wales and we are intending to laugh a lot, hang out at a festival, go to the movies and see Up, and numerous other good things. I will return to more faithful blogging when the excitement -- and the deadlines -- die down.