
Friday, April 3, 2009

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month in the U.S. And to that I say, Why not international poetry month? Let's make it Poetry Month here in Australia, too!
The website of the Academy of American Poets offers information on National Poetry Month, including a sign-up form to receive a poem every day this month straight to your inbox.
There's also a list of 30 ways you can celebrate poetry during April. Among my favourites are the suggestions to put poetry in an unexpected place, start a Commonplace Book, enclose a poem in a letter, and add a verse to your email signature line.
Lots of ideas appeal to me, but to start with I think I'm just going to pull Mountain Breezes: The Collected Poems of Amy Carmichael from my to-read shelf and tuck in at random.
PS. I do understand that the picture above is prose, not poetry. I just couldn't resist sharing a page from a mystery book I recently finished which had my brother as the love interest! Nicholas Carey, you're famous.

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