
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Daybook #11

Outside my window the sky is grey, the grass is wet, the air is cold, the mood is distinctly... sleepy.

I have been listening to less music than usual over the last few weeks. Any recommendations?

I have been wearing anything hurriedly pulled from my wardrobe, it seems. Since things have been summery and wintry, warm and cool, I never quite know what to wear. Today it's denim and cardigans.

I am thankful for the very cute little outdoor setting my parents set up on the Housie verandah. I foresee quiet moments with tea and books out there.

I am pondering thoughts on passion with a purpose, what it means to be made in the image of God, the tension between the real and the ideal in Renaissance literature (an essay that needs to be written), and why rainy days make me so drowsy.

I am reading Red Spikes, a collection of short stories by Margo Lanagan. Each story has something ethereal, even unsettling, about it. The words are delicious, the characters intriguing and often introspective. And there is just enough creepiness to make me want to keep reading, but tentatively.

I am creating words and deadlines and deadlines and words.

I am looking forward to the arrival, in eight days, of one of my best friends, Meaghan. We get to have three days together and we intend to talk, eat unhealthy things, watch stuff, soak up sunshine, explore, rule the Housie, and just be together. I'm so looking forward to this.

A picture-thought I'm sharing is not one, but three. Hayley was in town on Monday and, though I knew her back when we were both in primary school, we hadn't met since we'd become grownups and bloggy pals. We stormed Sunnybank Hills, everyone's favourite little-Asia-in-Brisbane, and I introduced Hayley to the delights of EasyWay bubble tea and BreadTop. Also on Monday, I got to watch The Help with Ruth and then we stayed at McDonald's for hours, talking together until we saw the menu board switch over to the breakfast meal options. It was a good day.

* * * * *


Laura Elizabeth -- I agree with you wholeheartedly. Every Sunday afternoon should be lazy, in my opinion.

Esther -- I want to ask you to forgive me for posting tantalising food pictures but I feel sure I may spring some on you again. You have been warned! ;) Your list of Sunday afternoon activities is fabulous, and honestly I can't think of a better way for you to have introduced yourself than in sharing that. Bravo and thank you for your lovely comment!

Chantel -- you are so sweet. Thank you.

Katie -- it definitely seems that the consensus for a great Sunday afternoon involves going slow, with good things to do and nice people to do them with.

Bek Axe -- B-D

Un -- nice long comment!! Of particular note: calling me a dag, Brian McFadden reference, Favourite Noodle reference, your so-called awkwardness disbelief.

Jessica -- actually, I'm much the same. I'd love to have done my chores on Saturday, but usually Things Happen, and Sunday afternoon becomes a time for small jobs here and there. Weirdly, though, I quite enjoy that.

Rebecca Simon -- fish and chips feels like such a great Aussie tradition, doesn't it (though, having said that, I'm sure we stole it from the Brits)?


  1. Woah, that picture of the street with the trees bending over it is very cool!

    Today was super rainy and dark- and yes, very sleepy. I had to have the lights on all day. So weird. I had to go to work at 2pm and I just didn't want to go! I wanted to stay curled up with my book and the dog on my lap.

  2. Music suggestions: Bach Brandenburg Concertos (or rather concerti) - always uplifting. Ben Cooper (Electric President/Radical Face) - very smooth. Madeleine Peyroux - soft jazz vocals. Sons of Korah - always edifying.
    I could go on, but those are just a few favs.


    (word verification thing - it just made me giggle when I said it in my head)

  3. I'm so jealous that you and Meaghan get to have a little holiday together!!! I wish I could be there too! and I'm sure Andrea and Lauren do also... :) One day... it would be so cool... to have... a Glen/Carey reunion... with our brothers too... and our husbands... and our babies... eeeeeeee! :) :) :)

    I doubt it will happen... oh well... we can dream...


  4. weoifjas;difjals;dkfjas;ldifjasldkfasdlfkjsdkf

    That is me being so excited!!!


  5. 2nd picture = LOVE

    I never know what to wear these days as well. It's every changing autumn weather here!! Crazy! I'm glad to hear it's going to be warming back up soon. rain makes me sleepy too.

    Have fun with your friend!!

  6. I knew I was terrible at commenting, but I SWEAR I commented on this post. Apparently not. I had so much fun with you! Bread Top! Bubble Tea! Amazing. :)
