
Monday, August 10, 2009

It's a blog party!

My dear friend Abigail's birthday was last month, and to celebrate on her blog, she threw a big de-lurking party and invited all lurkers to drop by and leave a comment. It's my birthday tomorrow, and in an act of bold and unashamed theft, I am outrightly stealing her idea and doing the same thing, here and now.
So whether you've stumbled onto this little piece of web for the first time today, or are a long-time reader, I'm inviting you to leave a comment. My site visit statistics tell me people pop by from some very awesome places with very cool names, so feel free to tell me where you're visiting from. And if you'd rather not leave your name, maybe you can sign off with the name of a book character you most relate to -- or the one you secretly wish you related to.
I will leave you with some pictures of early birthday present happiness from kind friends: tulips and rainbow choc chips! Let the de-lurking begin.


  1. Happy Birthday Danielle!! You know who I am, so I won't worry about that sort of stuff. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Love you lots and lots!!! Enjoy yourself - the tulips and choc chips sound great!!!

  2. Hello it's Abbie :) Have been thinking of you today, and also hoping that tomorrow will be a beautiful day! Thanks for all the encouraging words you speak through this blog...we all enjoy reading it! Much love and hugs, Abbie and all

  3. Happy Birthday! :) You know me, where I am, and what I nothing new here. ;)

  4. Miss Buncle from far-away New Hampshire! Come see our moose sometime. :O)

  5. Happy birthday lovely one. I miss u and love u as always. I pray God blesses u muchly this year ahead xx love Harriet

  6. Happy Birthday, from Boston, Massachusetts, USA! :-)

    -Julia (aka Faeriejewel)

  7. Hello my lovely, you know me, all the way from New Zealand. This is a first for us isn't it? I have been up praying for you this morning and remembering the very first one and all the others we have had together and what we would be doing now. Actually, you are still sleeping. I love you

  8. Happy Birthday, Danielle! Wishing you many blessings,
    Oregon, USA

  9. Happy Birthday from Helsinki, Finland. Although I was thinking about you yesterday, when I was in Saint Petersburg, Russia, too. So many happy returns from so many places!

    -Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost ;-)

  10. Well, all right. :) I'm Elisabeth (20 y/o), from British Columbia, Canada. I received your magazine as a gift from a friend. After reading your articles there, I decided to look at your blog, then ended up adding you to my blog list on favourites. :) So there you have it. I drop by every once in a while, and appreciate your fun-lovingness! Happy Birthday!

  11. A bit late but I shall still say happy birthday. You've heard from me a couple of time through the magazine. :)

  12. I'm a day late, oh well. Happy Birthday Danielle! I haven' t seen you for ages and probably want for quite a while. Why who else could it be, but Amy. hahaha

  13. Happy Birthday, my gorgeousest treehouse-loving friend!! :) xoxo

  14. I know we've said it already, but once more won't hurt...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
    Love, the H Gals xxxxx

  15. Hello Danielle! Happy Belated Birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday Danielle! I usually let The First Rose leave comments, but I do occasionally drop by. :D

  17. Candy and flowers! Why didn't I think of providing such for MY delurking party? ;) :D

    [I do read all your posts. :D]
