
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who I am in Christ is more important than just who I am.

This week someone called me out on something they felt I had got wrong. Essentially, we were both on the same page; we'd just misunderstood each other. But somehow the exchange still left me feeling down -- sad, confused, and even a bit lonely.

When I got to wondering why someone's critique could make me so gloomy, I came to an embarrassing conclusion: once again, I realised I'm too wrapped up in how others perceive me and whether we all agree in sweet, sweet harmony (confessions of a chronic people-pleaser, eep!).

It came back to the lesson God seems to be hammering home lately: who I am is not about who I am, even; it's about who I am in Him. Forgive me for harping on about it. It's just... I'm taking a while for the truth to absorb. It helps that my theology lectures this semester are all about security, and the rock-solid basis of who we are which comes down to Who made us and redeemed us.

So who are you?

Me, well, on my own I'm not much. I'm awkward, full of failings, and my esteem is based on how others view me. But Someone had a different plan for me. He rushed in and ransomed me from all of that (even though sometimes I forget and live like I'm still held captive). He rescued me and then He told me I belonged to Him for now and forever. More than that, He called me His child, and that is who I am. That is the real me. Funny, isn't it? The real me is not even about me. It's about Him.

Thank you times a hundred for joining all the fun of the blog de-lurking party! It was awesome reading your comments and finding out where you're all from -- a big happy mix of old and new friends. Although I was actually sick for most of my birthday week, I do have nice pictures and I was incredibly spoilt. So a picture post is coming soon :).


  1. So true!!! Thanks for the reminder Danielle!

    I'll look forward to the picture post.....

  2. Hey there! In reading this, it brought to mind what we covered at our church retreat this past weekend. I really really encourage you to watch Louie Giglio's "Two Words That Changed Everything". A powerful DVD seminar that covers this exact topic! BRILLIANT look at who we are in Christ!! Blessings :)

  3. Thank you ,Danielle, for the reminder. It is one of the most beautiful truths, yet I ,too, am so prone to forget it.
    Sending you a big hug,

  4. Praise God, for himself!

    ly xxx

  5. Oh, how lovely you are.
    I am all caught up in thinking about how you remind me of Lucy from Narnia, all the time.

  6. Alihsee -- thank you for the recommendation! I've been so blessed by other videos from Louie Giglio so I'll definitely be looking out for the one you mentioned :). Bless you!

    Staish -- that is a MASSIVE compliment. Lucy is my favourite Pevensie :).
