
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Of birthdays and felt owls and chocolate mousse, oh my!

[a birthday morning Skype chat with mother and smallest brother]

[the tulips have opened up gloriously]
[my sister Lauren made this little guy for my birthday]

[we called him Hoo and took him on a Winnie-the-Pooh-style Expotition...]

[he seemed to enjoy it]
[this face is me pretending I don't feel sick on my birthday]

[and this is Lauren and I pretending we are -- I don't know -- teenagers or something]

[and this is my frabjous birthday non-cake]

[and it was James-my-sister's-boyfriend's 21st on Friday (they're cute)]
Happy days!


  1. Oh Hoo is cute and he does seem to be enjoying himself in that photo. :-)

    Love the photos, you two look beautiful. I mean it and I'm sure it's not just physical. Something is shining out!

  2. Love your nail-polish DD! :) You ARE beautiful. :) (I also liked the sprinkles on your birthday mousse!) xoxox

  3. Such a cute pic of James & Lauren!
    I love your Hoo, Danielle - 'tis so adorable. And my mouth is watering as I gaze at that mousse...

    Happy Birthday!

  4. Asea -- he's definitely cute :D.

    Arny -- that was a very smile-inducing comment :).

    Carla -- those sprinkles are all thanks to youuu! Come visit me: I saved some!!

    Bek -- they're cuties. Oh, and the mousse was every bit as delicious as it looks!
