
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[lately] a meaghan weekend

Meaghan weekends are too far and few between in my world. It had been thirteen months since the last one, which means I was well overdue for a dose of this excellent lady, and this weekend definitely hit the spot (though it was all too short).

I had ideas about introducing Meaghan to every cool local discovery that we've stumbled across since she was last here and since about 75% of those have something to do with food, it's probably a good thing we only had three days. As it happened, we were able to grab a sort-of-breakfast one morning from Bittersweet (their locally-made pastries are amaaaazing) and a sort-of-lunch (apparently we don't have the greatest internal mealtime clocks) from my favourite bookstore-and-restaurant, Riverbend Books. We also had very excellent mocktails from Hog's Breath (their greatest virtue being that they were so pretty and they were delivered by the world's most quirky waiter, Sunny).

In true Queensland style, Meaghan got to experience Autumn, Summer, Spring, rain, storms, and sunshine in her three days here. She made my baby niece laugh uproariously and she was kindly amused by my little brother's random hyperactivity. Somehow, we picked the most random assortment of movies to watch together (can you say "my dead brother turned into a shooting star and guided me to the place where my girlfriend lay unconscious and potentially dying?") with the exception of a couple, among them Soul Surfer, which was heartbreaking and heartwarming. Also, we were kind of excited when we found the three Carey sisters represented in Coke bottles (win!) and only wish we could have found bottles with Carla & Meaghan on them, in order to complete the quintet of longtime pals. Next time, Coca Cola will be more forward thinking with their promotion, I'm sure.

Good friends are such treasures. More Meaghan weekends, please, God?

* * * * *


Un -- indeed they do.

Samantha R -- I'll definitely have to check out your latest Project 52 work :).

Laura Elizabeth -- thank you! And yes, we definitely had fun.

Carla -- :D we missed you!

Meaghan -- WDHF! WAHF!


  1. And I got to enjoy her as well. Lovely!!

  2. I concur, we do need more D&M weekends!! (as in, Danielle & Meaghan, although the standard D&M works too)

    I loved getting to see you, and your mum & Lauren too!!! Although Andrea & Carla were sorely missed :(

    I cracked up at the movie quote and sort-of meals. Also I like Sunny The Waiter, delicious mocktails, your chubster niece, and your hilarious brother. And I like where you live, and your family, and the bakeries and cafes, and your books and dvds, and pretty much just everything about you and your life.

    <3 <3 <3

    PS. "Stay away!"

  3. I haven't seen you for more than a yeeeeeeeeeeeear!!! :(

  4. Sounds so lovely! Girly weekends are the best :-)
    P.S. Your niece is uber cute.

  5. Maybe I am just an emotional female, but this post has made me smile as well as bringing tears to my eyes! I love you people and I love the fact that you can enjoy life to it's fullest!!!! YAY for adorable friends xoxoxo

  6. Your niece takes the record for the biggest cheeks. :) She's so cute. I am disappointed she's lives so far away, that I can't just pop in for a visit. "Soul Surfer" is awesome. So are friendly weekends. And I don't think I've seen Meaghan for a while either, so perhaps it's time that we did. :)
