Monday, November 3, 2008

New beginnings, times two.

November is the month of new beginnings for me. Crazy that the beginning of the silly season should also be the time to launch into new projects, but that's how she rolls, baby!

New project #1: the [half]year of writing furiously
I've written furiously this year already -- the novel-writing project saw to that -- but since July, I've been really prompted first by some subtle hints from above, and then by the encouragement of my family, to give this freelancing thing a shot. I've done lots of odds and ends with writing over the last couple of years; now I'm aiming to give it six months of concentrated effort and see where it takes me. I don't want to be rich, but I do hope to be able to earn a little doing something I really care about. I intend to work my tail off and see what doors God opens -- or closes. And at the end of six months (and probably at the end of every day until then), I'll take stock and see what surprises have appeared along the way. Watch this space.

New project #2: the year of reading chronologically
I've done read-the-Bible-in-a-year plans before, and found them really helpful in guiding my everyday Bible study. What I don't like, however, is knowing that on the 1st of January, I'll be reading Genesis 1, and that around Christmas time I'll be wading through Revelations. So when Justin Buzzard launched The Year of the Bible, starting November 1st, I was all ready for it! It'll be good to have that sense of discipline and direction guiding my daily Bible reading. Plus, the .pdf you can print your reading checklist from folds into a nifty little bookmark. You have no idea how appealing this is to a dork like me.

I covet your prayers regarding item number one up there on that list, and as for item number two: want to join me? We can compare notes on what we're reading in Scripture, and talk about the Bible, and get all excited and stuff. Yay!



Narelle -- boy, thanks! That's encouragement indeed. Maybe I will have to try working it up into something publishable :).

Abbie -- what a fun way to spend a birthday! I totally want to steal this idea :). Please pass on late birthday wishes to Grace from me :).


  1. We just got "Words" in the mail and are enjoying it! Best wishes and prayers on your projects. (That sounds like something I would do...have a set six months I will devote to a project to see what happens!) Your pen has already been a blessing to many and I hope the next half-year sees you reaching many more men, women, and children!

  2. Year of the Bible?

    Oh, my...I've so much to talk to you about. I miss you guys with a physical tugging.


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