Friday, June 10, 2011

Project 52: an update

Yay! More people are joining the fun of Project 52! Laura, Jessica, and Chantel are also coming along for the ride, which will only make the journey cooler.

If you want to play along, it's not too late. There are no hard and fast rules and it's super easy: simply settle on a theme you want to explore, and post your first photo (plus poem, if you're going that route) sometime over this weekend. If you title or label your posts with 'project 52', it'll be easier for other bloggers to find you and potentially play along as well. I can't wait to see how this project opens our eyes to the wonderful treasures that are scattered throughout the everyday.

PS. How incredibly amazing is tonight's sunset? Eat your heart out, Crayola.

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Chantel -- yay! I'm so happy you're joining us!

Katie -- and scarves! Winter provides so many more opportunities for layering and accessorising.

Asea -- you went to Albrecht Durer's house? YOU WENT TO ALBRECHT DURER'S HOUSE? *sigh* And a package came from you the very day after I received your comment! *joyful dance*

Samantha R -- suddenly I'm heaping extra blankets onto my bed and wearing double layers of pyjamas :).

Laura Elizabeth -- this does NOT feel like Queensland, right? And it feels colder than the actual temperature, as well. What is going on?


  1. I SAW THE SAME SUNSET AS YOU!!!! We actually went outside whilst at work to get a better view of it because we all thought it was so pretty, that's so funny that you would post a pic of it. There was quite a bit of orange and pink when I saw it. I love that I would never think of pink and orange going together but in nature, they are perfect partners.

    PS Project 52... it's gonna be good!

  2. We had a similar sunset on the way home from the valley last night but alas riding in the truck at 60mph isn't conductive to good photos. Yet I did take a few to share! :)

    Hurray for more girlies joining us!!

  3. Lol, yes, I went to Albrecht Durer's house. ;-) Also Goethe's house, Rembrandt's house, and Anne Frank's house. I've been visiting lots of folk! ;-)


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