Sunday, October 30, 2011

[short + sweet] happies

1. huge thunder claps and heavy, heavy rain.
2. finishing a book I've been reading for a-g-e-s.
3. Sunday afternoon road trips to the coast.
4. an old Greek man singing and mafia bosses dancing along.
5. clearing emails from my inbox.
6. happy LiveJournal comments.
7. family coffee dates.
8. gifs of my little niece eating her own hand.

What's on your happy list today?


  1. !!!!!!!!!!!
    How does that photo do that?!?!
    It's adooooorable! :)

  2. Too cute!!!

    Also I love that feeling of finishing a book that you've been reading for ages. Such a feeling of relief, even if you've been enjoying it!

  3. She's too cute!!! I'm jealous you get to spend so much time with MY only niece!

  4. (And man... what a chubsta bubsta! Does HER mother count HER fat rolls??) :)

  5. Adorable.

    Another good one. Efabilub

  6. She is so flippin' adorable! Her EYES!

  7. Your happy list is made of awesome. On my happy list today, you will find:

    1. Cameras and photographs and ideas of what to do with said combination.
    2. Friends and family who are on your side no matter what.
    3. Realising my job really was making me sad (and somehow making me less myself).
    4. Lovely blog posts from lovely people.


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