Friday, August 31, 2012


I have fallen into the provoking habit of leaving insistent little comments on my sister's blog telling her to do a "blupdate". But I've stumbled into the pit that I have dug, for now she's turned the comment back on me. To prove that I'm listening, Andrea, two posts in one evening. How's that for obedience?

It's a weird season -- incredibly full with occasional startling blank moments when it feels as though the sky is about to crumble. September comes tomorrow, bringing with it Spring, and extended stays with houseguests (some of whom are already here), and a series of local workshops that my wee little writing group has pulled together, and the end of my first postgrad semester, and maybe even a new niece or nephew. Boy, September, you be crazy.

In between all that, I'm thinking about lots of things -- the promises of Scripture, how I need to be writing in my journal more, the greatness of Him in us so much greater than just plain us, and my awful tendency to discuss absolutely everything that enters my head. I am writing imaginary letters and thank you notes while I'm brushing my teeth. I am buying too many gifts for Andrea's thirtieth birthday (am I allowed to talk about your age on my blog, A?). I am saying no to things I need to say no to, but it still isn't easy. I am feeling deeply affectionate and appreciative of the little Bible study group I'm part of. I'm thinking my mother should be beatified. I'm reading bits of good books here and there. I'm grieving for friends walking hard and dark roads. I'm clinging, tired, hoping, crying, laughing, praying, biting my lip, and marvelling at cloudless skies.

How about you?

[Conversations on hold while things are busy, and there might be more pictures than thoughts for a wee while. I'll reply to your words directly in the comments section.]


  1. Yay for the update!!! :) I love the random collage of photos, too. In the one of Abby and Mum, Abby looks like Mum as a baby!
    I love your words, and the idea of too many presents for my ahem...3oth birthday. I guess you can mention my age...I need to come to terms with it sooner or later!

    1. Abby often reminds me of baby photos of Ma, as well. For all she looks so much like James, she's also a Nebauer through and through.

      I have seen thirty and it is less painful than we all thought it would be.

  2. Yay!!! Too many pressies for ANDREA'S 30TH BIRTHDAY!!! :) (PS... what is beatified?)

    1. It's ridiculous! I will have to save some for visits and some for Christmas.

      (Beatified means to be sainted).

  3. Your September sounds kind of amazing! I hope you manage to find the time to draw breath when you need it. :)

    1. Me, too! I think it'll be a lovely month if I don't let stress eat me up. Slow down, spend ten minutes reading a book, and look at the sky! That shall be my motto.

  4. Yay for the update!!
    Abby is Adorable with a capital A!
    I think my September will be crazy too ; so many events and fun activities going on!!
    Andrea's 30th is coming up!? How fun :)

    1. I think we can rename September. The Grand Month of Crazy sound alright?

      Yes, Andrea's going to be thirty! We can't go down to her for it, but she'll be coming up to us a few months later and we will get all festive then, too :).

  5. You are Superwoman, I tell you.

    Whyyy does it never get any easier to say no, even when it's absolutely the right thing to do?!? Life is so confusing sometimes.

    I love your photos and I love you x

    1. YOU are superwoman. If I ever get good at this, it'll be because I'm imitating you.

      Ugh, saying no is the worst! *glumface*

      I love you, too -- your comments made me all grinny.

  6. Also I love the word "blupdate".

  7. And one more thing I love: not having to do that word verification stuff on your blog! It makes it so much easier to spam you with comments! :P

    1. Not having word verification is the best. It's so lame having to fill those things out all the time. And I haven't gotten too much spam with it turned off, so hopefully it can be here to stay!

      (also, if no word verification helps generate spam from you [as opposed to the other kind of spam] then I am DOUBLY happy)

  8. I like your life. Although I wish you were living it in WA!
    Miss you xx

    1. I don't *always* like my life, but I do appreciate it. I miss Mandurah. I miss the WA sun! I miss the foreshore. I miss Dome. I miss dolphins. I miss crafternoons and book talk. I miss YOU.

  9. Blupdate = band name. And the official title of the Language of Sea Creatures.


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