Friday, July 23, 2010

The Trail of Carnage: an epic adventure

It was a bright and sunny day in south-east Queensland as my friend Meaghan and I set off to visit the newlyweds' cottage. Our day began, perhaps deceptively harmlessly, with promising signs of life: a some-kind-maybe-frilled-neck lizard posed majestically in the middle of the road.

When we saw this wallaby just hanging with his homies in a typical pose, we were lulled into a false sense of security. Perhaps this place was safer than we'd first anticipated.

The first sign that something was wrong appeared when we stumbled across this feather, no doubt plucked from a luckless chicken. We couldn't help but wonder at the poor chicken's fate.

Then we spotted this desolate piece of tree, no doubt yanked from an unsuspecting trunk. We turned our eyes away from the gore but...

It was too late. Our path was blocked by this undeniable image of DEATH. There was some debate about whether the corpse you see above is a dead glove or a dead turkey. Forensics teams are investigating. We, however, pressed on in our walk.

It was at this point -- when we saw the signs for the Forbidden Ground -- that we began to ask ourselves if we should continue. We ummed and aahed, but we all agreed: there was no turning back. And I should warn you that the following scenes may disturb some viewers. For there, blocking our path, was:


The Trail of Carnage was complete, and the lonely, dehydrated carcass of the cane toad is an image burned indelibly on our minds. We were so struck by the tragic loss, the sheer waste, that we were driven to interpret and re-enact the scene in our own unique way:

RIP, Toadster.

PS, readers: This post contains 183% of your recommended daily nutritional intake of waffle.

* * * * *


Samantha -- have fun on your camping adventure -- and please share pictures!

Rachael -- we did have an excellent time :D

Carla -- not just an accessory *wiggles eyebrows*

Rebecca -- I'll drink to that! *cheers*

Mitanika -- my breakfast was so good. Even better because I didn't have to cook it myself :)

Meaghan -- ah, the memories!


  1. ha ha you always see the fun in everything. I miss so much when you aren't with me. Mum (this wouldn't let me use my lj name)

  2. You two are made of pure awesome. I love the tribute to the dead toad - it's perfect! So moving.

  3. Your waffly picture cracks me up so much.

  4. i was LAUGHING out loud whilst home alone.. AH HA HA SOOOO funny!!! this is an epic tale of carnage. I'm stealing the tribute pic for my facebook :) xx love you and miss you millions! xxxxx

  5. AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! This made me laugh so hard!!! :)

  6. You've just made my morning. Thank you. :-)

  7. Your roadster-toadster tableau has pasted a goofy grin on my face - me, a *veritable ancient* - here in this quiet room.
    Your chuckly post caused me to go for an encore, so, I scrolled back for some happy re-reading of your previous ones, but was brought to a sudden halt at the chocolate french toast!
    Now, that's not fair.......why aren't you here, making some for me, right NOW?
    Nan :)


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