Tuesday, November 8, 2011

[short + sweet] nano ohno

Are you taking part in NaNoWriMo this year?

And let me pre-empt you by saying that I'm not. It's a dream of mine which means that I definitely want to do this someday, but every time November rolls around, I am newly convinced that in the southern hemisphere, November is the worst possible month to attempt such a project. Okay, December would be marginally worst, because, you know -- Christmas insanity. But said insanity begins in November, coupled with the onset of the first really big hot days of the year, a sudden burst of summery social engagements, not to mention the winding down of school and music lessons and all of that. In an email I just sent to a friend, I proposed June as a far better southern month for NaNo -- which sounds dreamy, but would probably feel lonely and dull when everyone else is immersed in the November frenzy. And having said that, all my excuses just make me feel small when I read this.

Whether you are taking part in NaNo or not, you must check out the StayInTheRoom community at Dreamwidth. During November, they're posting fresh writing prompts every single day. Throw one of them into your novel, or work on them individually as a way to get the writing juices flowing. They're really lots of fun.

Oh, and one last thing. I just started imagining the fun of doing NaNoWriMo and Movember -- squeezing out words and facial hair at the same time. If there is any man doing both, I want to meet him and bestow upon him a cape and a superhero outfit.


  1. I was all like "Yeah, I'll do Nano"... and then real life totally kicked me in the butt. I wrote about 800 words last night, which is my first attempt. I'm finishing up my story that I wrote last year and there's so much I want to change. I don't even know how the darn thing ends! Let's rebel and do June instead!! We can have little meetings in coffee shops and be awesome.

    My Boy Roomie is doing Movember. He's never grown a mo before but it looks very impressive already. He was bummed when he realised he would have a mo in all my birthday photos. But since we are having a Hawaiian themed party, he's turning lemons into lemonade and decided to come as Magnum PI. Hilarious :)

    Good luck with all your school work. Nearly there! How beautiful was today?!?!

  2. Also, clearly my Nano word count would not be a problem if I could just add that last comment to my word count. Sorry!!!

  3. There's something gross about the sound of squeezing out facial hair...ew.

  4. You're so right about November being a rubbish month for southern hemispherians. It's busy in general, but even more so when you work in a school. Students are finishing; things need to be put in place for next year; jobs have to be finalised and all those loose ends tied up... It's a nightmare!

    I think June would be a great alternative month (and not just because it contains my birthday). When the weather's warming up, you want to be outside, enjoying all it has to offer. Winter is much better for writing - what better way to spend those cold days than with a nice warm laptop, a cuppa and all the words of the English language at your disposal?

    And I believe I am now a serious contender with Laura for the Longest Commenter title. :D

  5. I am doing NaNo with my sisters - which can get pretty hilarious when we're "comparing" (read competing) word counts. :)
    I can see where November might not be the best time for Southern hemisphere . . . I was going to challenge you to a word war next November, but maybe I won't. How about one in June?
    I hereby challenge you to NaNo Camp??? :)

  6. Movember: the month of insanity.


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