Dear Novel,
Hello, old friend! Sorry I haven't been in touch for a while. I kind of feel as though I have been neglecting you and, well, I guess I have. Don't take offence. Please. It's just that, when you've spent eight months almost non-stop with someone, sometimes you need some personal space. And you know that when we were working towards the deadline in May, we were locked at the computer together, you and I, for many hours of every day. Once that deadline was past, I needed to get away for a while. Breathe my own air. Think my own thoughts. Not wonder how they fitted into your plot.
But that's over now. I've had my fill of fresh air, and I'm returning. I need to spend some time with you again. I feel a little like you've turned from my friend to my acquaintance, and I never wanted that to happen. Is it my fault or yours? I'm not really sure. All I know is that I think we need to spend some more time together. Are you cool with that?
Will you take me back, sweet Novel?
Ever yours,
Abbie -- isn't it crazy how we can all be living in this one country and yet experience such a diversity of weather? I hope Spring floats your way soon!
Beth -- enjoy Autumn! (it's my favourite season, too) And as you don those hats and scarves, think of the wonderful Don and his gift to the world of faith and words and quirky humour. *salute*
...not to mention his new-found hottness. I mean, I would have seriously considered a marriage proposal from the man based solely on his words of faith and quirky humor, but WOW. That bike trip did him goooooooood.