Monday, September 13, 2010

Keeping the clocks wound

'There's a story of a small village where lived an old clockmaker and repairer. When anything was wrong with any of the clocks or watches in the village, he was able to fix them, to get them working properly again. When he died, leaving no children and no apprentice, there was no one left in the village who could fix clocks. Soon various clocks and watches began to break down. Those which continued to run often lost or gained time, so they were of little use. A clock might strike midnight at three in the afternoon. So many of the villagers abandoned their timepieces.

'One day a renowned clockmaker and repairer came through the village, and the people crowded around him and begged him to fix their broken clocks and watches. He spent many hours looking at all the faulty time pieces, and at last he announced that he could repair only those whose owners had kept them wound, because they were the only ones which would be able to remember how to keep time.

'So we must daily keep things wound: that is, we must pray when prayer seems dry as dust; we must write when we are physically tired, when our hearts are heavy, when our bodies are in pain.

'We may not always be able to make our "clock" run correctly, but at least we can keep it wound, so that it will not forget.'

Madeleine L'Engle
Walking on Water

* * * * *


Mothercarey -- YAAAAAY!

Katiefoolery -- highlighters can frequently equal joy :).

Rebecca -- ah, thank you so much! What a lovely comment :).


  1. What a great story! And how true! Thanks for sharing it Danielle - I'll have to look up that author.

  2. Excuse me, but I need to go off and keep my writing clock wound.

  3. Lol at Katie :)

    What a great story, and very apt for me right now. Been feeling far from God despite my constant prayer journaling. You posting up this story makes me feel like God is saying 'yo' to me... if God were to say things like 'yo', that is!!

  4. If I may be permitted a small pun, I am glad I took the time to unwind and read this. :)


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